Standards, patents, labels

Whether fixed or mobile, all Gomouv' structures are designed for free access. That is why we are committed to certifying all our structures so that they comply with the NF-EN-16630-2015 standard in force.

Standard NF-EN 16630-2015

Today, there is no mandatory French standard for outdoor fitness modules. However, it is strongly recommended for safety measures to apply the European standard NF-EN-1660-2015. Several rules must be followed from the design to the commissioning of the facilities.


 For all equipment with a free fall height greater than 1m, a cushioning floor must be placed on the climbing surface to prevent any injuries in case of a fall. The cushioning floor can be composed of different natural elements (sand, grass, bark,...) or artificial floors (cushioning slabs, cushioned floor poured).


 The EN NF 16630-2015 standard aims to reduce the risk of head, finger and injury in case of a fall. The fitness modules are designed with a simple design for intuitive use, they allow the user to quickly find a comfortable position on the equipment. Our structures can therefore be used by any type of user, regardless of the level of practice.


 The NF-EN 16630-2015 standard regulates access to outdoor fitness equipment for users, adults and adolescents measuring at least 140cm. This restriction must be mentioned on the area’s general information board.

information AND DISPLAYS

 The information sign is mandatory on or near the structure. It includes contact information for the manufacturer and operator. It also includes safety information: warm-up rules, hydration and emergency contact details.
Our structures also include signs to accompany the user during his practice (QR code, pictograms, exercise plates).



Proud to design, manufacture and assemble all our sports structures in France.

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Created and issued by the French Ministry of Armed Forces, the UAF label is used to highlight the use of certain materials, products or components by the French military.

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